Module 2 Session Plans
Module 2 Session Plan 1
You are now moving into Module Two. Module one could still be overlapping the learning with the Certificate IV, so just be aware of that and ensure that your mentee have got their assessments loaded. Remember, it is the same as a loan, so don’t let them send in bits and pieces. Make sure they have all of their assessments completed in full and then upload to AAMC.
Click here to download Module 2, Session Plan 1.
Module 2 Session Plan 2
We now move into business structures. This is twofold; one so that they can choose their structure and the other is to reinforce the learning. We repeat this learning in another module so don’t stress if they look at you in bemusement.
Click here to download Module 2, Session Plan 2.
Module 2 Session Plan 3
This is a fun session with time for them to role play with you. Always be reviewing their goals as they will feel more confident each week as they begin to achieve sales and outcomes. They have identified in the first session in the self-assessment quiz, any areas that they need to learn more on, so review this again at any time that suits you, as the first 6 months is the danger zone as they “make it or break it”.
Click here to download Module 2, Session Plan 3.
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